Hozzávalók: bár tudjuk, hogy minden konyhajunkie szeret kísérletezni az alapanyagokkal, ami mindenképp kihagyhatatlan: Kruder & Dorfmeister, Makossa & Megablast, Stereotyp, Al Haca, Tolcha, Vienna Scientists, Sofa Surfers, ...
Köret: ha eltérünk az eredeti recepttől, lehet bármi finom elektronikus, főleg a dub, a house, az electro, a break és a 2 step összekeveréséből adódó egyveleg. így tehető az egyénileg átélt gasztronómiai élmény minden alkalommal még izgalmasabbá.
Elkészítés: fekete műanyag tányérokon keverjük össze ízlésesen a felsoroltakat, ügyelve az ütemre és a hangulat fokozására.
Konyhafőnökök: Kid Walter mesterszakács és Nizar cukrászmester. Ez megsütötte, az mind megette...
Not discussing its origin, one thing is certain about the the traditional Wiener Schnitzel (viennese cutlet): it's made of veal/Vienna Downbeat Scene. But, according to many restaurateurs/producers, the viennese cutlet is exactly the same as fried cutlet/electro dub, therefore the type/origin of the raw material doesn't really matter. In the case of fried cutlet/electro dub it's true. However the viennese cutlet is even therefrom viennese cutlet, because it's made from veal/Vienna Downbeat Scene. The story is very simple: unless it isn't made of that, than it's not that as well. In Vienna the garnish of "Wiener Schnitzel" is the not only as trimming used but on the meet squeezed/on the rhythm spoken lemon/mc and the cold potatoe salad with onion and mayonnaise/vocalist. Strange to say but serving it with red currant jelly/dancing craziness is usual in many places!
Ingredients: although we know, that all of the kitchenjunkies like to experiment with the raw materials, what you don’t leave out anyway: Kruder & Dorfmeister, Makossa & Megablast, Stereotyp, Al Haca, Tolcha, Vienna Scientists, Sofa Surfers, ...
Garnish: if you go off the original recipe, it could be any fine electronic, mainly a mix from dub, house, electro, break and 2 step. So can be the individually experience more exciting every time.
Directions: mix the above-mentioned stuffs tasty on two black vinyl plates together, paying attention to the beat and the enhancing of the mood.
The Chefs: Kid Walter head cook and Nizar first-rate confectioner. This was baking it, that was eating all of it…